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admen     17 Nov,2015     ,    

The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL) is non-profit NGO with the mission of activating women’s political participation and supporting women’s legal and political rights.

The Association of the Egyptian Female Lawyers (AEFL) is non-profit NGO registered with the Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity (#3236) at August 25, 2008 with the mission of activating women’s political participation and supporting women’s legal and political rights.  AEFL is seeking to create Egyptian women who can defend their rights and work to spread values of gender equality, justice, and freedom; to ensure that women are not only aware of their rights but also understand how the law is designed to protect those rights. AEFL works towards spreading the values of gender equality, justice, and freedom within civil society organizations and work to speared political culture for women to ensure that women’s rights are being upheld according to the law.
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